Hundreds of metres of bubble wrap and tape required for kayak gift-wrapping!
To fund my next kayak purchase I went through the process of selling my SOT kayak on ebay. Naturally I insisted on “Pick Up Only”, and of course it sold to a bloke in north Queensland. Which lead to a requirement for the kayak to be wrapped for the courier company.
The same night, I had an old childhood friend come over for dinner and a few thousand glasses of wine, and the kayak wrapping episode didn’t start until after 11pm when everyone was getting a little boozy. Needless to say it took me 3 hrs to wrap it, plus 2 beers and a rum & coke.
By the next day the gift-wrapped kayak looked a true work of art, and I trust it gets to its new owner in good order. I’m sure he’s going to have a lot of fun in it! 🙂

Pack components, and paddle, into the boat and wrap cockpit

100s of metres of bubble wrap required!

Finish with a thousand rotations of tape...

Add courier receipts and warning stickers, et voila!
And there you have it! One gift wrapped kayak on it’s way north. Happy paddling Pete, hope it brings you lots of paddling pleasure! 🙂
I would definitely send you all my packages to be wrapped for shipping if that made the least bit of sense.
*laughing* Please DON’T! 😉
you should have called, i have more wrapping than you can poke a stick at, i probably would have saved you 10 rolls of tape as well :), need to do it again call me, find us on our site, ingleburn.