Woohoo! Paddler take off! (Image Credit: www.wozthatyou.com )
My mate Doug from WozThatYou.com hit the beach at Dee Why this morning and captured some brilliant shots of a mad paddle-surfer carving up the early-morning waves. According to Doug, even the stand-up surfers were cheering the incredible spectacle of this crazy dude carving up the waves. Big thanks to WozThatYou.com for allowing me to use the pics – if you like surfing photos, please check out his site. – FP

Nasty high brace as he drops in on the wave (Image Credit: www.wozthatyou.com )

The drop - yeeehaw!! (Image Credit: www.wozthatyou.com )

Owning the wave (Image Credit: www.wozthatyou.com )