New FatPaddler.com car stickers
First things first. Yes, I rushed to put it on the car too fast and lost the inside of the O, so no need to point it out to me. I’m both fat and impatient I’m afraid!
Got these beauts in either white or black. I may sell them in the future to raise money for the Hawkesbury Classic, but for now I’m giving three stickers away for the best tshirt slogan ideas. Post your slogans via Twitter to @FatPaddler or as a comment to this post – best 3 slogans win a sticker in your choice of colour, and the very best one wins a tshirt with your slogan on it.
Who says nothing is free these days??
High ranking submissions so far to get the creative juices flowing:
@noreinsgirl – “Paddled by FatPaddler.com”, “Paddle Up”, “Paddle Me, Oar Me, Roll Me”
@konaweb – “FatPaddler can spell kayak backwards!“
@bristowmom1 – “I did an Eskimo roll & all I got was this wet T-shirt”, “My other kayak is a Lexus”, “Two great big oars and a ‘tude: FatPaddler”, “It’s not over until the FatPaddler sinks”
@MarshJones “Size counts for approximately… Everything”, “Think about it as a competition… I’m winning the calories/km race!”, “fatpaddler.com – Making bigger waves!”
C’mon, show me what you’ve got!! Last submissions accepted on 31st May 09 🙂
THIS WAY UP (with arrow pointing up like on a carton)
“Siddown you’re rockin’ the boat”
Ricky May – Fat Guy, Guys and Dolls
Theme song too!!!!
I vote for “Rub some Vegemite on it and keep paddling: FatPaddler”
“Kayaking Australia’s best waterwa…Hey! Sausages!”
@NomadRIP *LAUGHING* – Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
From @noreinsgirl ‘s bestie – “Get Your Fat Ass in the Yak”
noreinsgirl: great one. My sis-who-yaks and I both kept telling each other we’d take up kayaking when we lost weight–that was our incentive. Well, the hell with that. Started kayaking anyway, bigger asses than ever, having a great time!
I paddled Sydney Harbour and all i got was this t-shirt
I survived shit creek!
I’m inspired of your enthuz.
“I’d rather be kayaking”, Or “I’d rather die kayaking, than …”, “Pickup the paddle and row!”, “The zen is in the journey”, “Whatever floats your boat”. Uncensored, “Row whatever floats!”. Cheers.
Another one: Not the Eskimo Roll you were probably thinking of: FatPaddler.com
I’m putting in a vote for the “sausages” caption…
but here’s a contribution…
“Fat Paddler – Eating up the Competition”…
or one for the Elvis fans..
“Fat Paddler – T*C*B – Taking Care of Ballast
“A Life Less (Oar)dinary”
“Raising Sea Levels! …one man at a time”
Bristow…I kayaked when heavier and that’s when I fell in love with the sport. It’s the beauty of kayaking…everyone can do it, no matter what.
Hairyboy…like the “A Life Less (Oar)dinary” the best. Sums up the epic that is fatpaddler.com pretty damn well.
@JoshSterling “Extreme Kayaking = Fat Paddler vs. Archimedes’ principle”
@kiryn “this ain’t no wet t-shirt contest” or “warning- I am not to be used as a floatation device”
heres another idea mate, “yes, im the guy from that solo commerical!” hehehe
I’m going to allow your entry Kiryn because it is still 31 May SOMEWHERE in the world. Plus, I like it. 😉
Note: For non-Aussies, Kiryn’s entry (ie the guy from that solo commercial) refers to a classic series of TV ads for Solo softdrink. For you’re viewing pleasure, here it is:
I quite literally spit out my drink at the comment of “…it is still 31 May SOMEWHERE in the world…”
Yes, it was still 31 May but only by 12 minutes in California. You skated for Hawaii, mate. They are 2 hrs behind us.
slam it down FAST! so good!