Paddling the glassy waters of Middle Harbour
It was only a matter of time before someone got hurt. I expected it would be your’s truly, since a big man on a little kayak is bound to lead to disaster. But it wasn’t the Fat Paddler who got hurt, it was none other than paddle-mate Burnsie.

Burnsie - happier times (ie an hour before his injury occurred)
Now I do feel a little responsible. I had asked him earlier if he’d like to do the Hawkesbury Classic with me, a question which obviously shook him and lead to his loss of concentration, and inevitably, to his injury. Because as we passed the half-way mark on our paddle, Burnise admitted to me that he was hurt, and hurt badly.
So we hit the paddles hard and rushed back to the Spit to seek advice and medical aid. On our return, Burnsie showed me the true extend of the injury (for the squeamish, stop reading now). And what an injury, I was amazed he’d been able to continue at all.

The crippling flesh-wound
I know I know, horrific.
So Burnsie, if you are out there reading this, please know that the Fat Paddler and his readers are sending through get well wishes, and hope the flesh-wound heals soon.
Can you believe I have been put into hospital and looking at amputation due to the extent of the massive injury
We should have called in a medivac chopper to get you to Emergency quicker!
If it makes you feel better, and without taking away any importance from your injury, I too have a blister from today 😉
Wow, where do I send my “Get Well” card. 😉 Demand a sponge bath, mate.
Honestly, blisters really suck when paddling and hurt like an SOB. I wear gloves so I don’t get blisters. Use the kind w/out fingertips or just cut the fingertips off the full gloves.