Fenn XT Mako and Boréal Nanook - Balmoral Beach, Sydney
As I was gearing up for an early morning paddle on Sydney Harbour, a passing paddle-colleague stopped to say gday and let me know he was about to take part in the Balmoral Blast paddle time-trial at Balmoral Beach. So rather than head off up Middle Harbour to Roseville as planned, I thought I’d tag along for some photos and see how fast the Balmoral Blast would get with these macho lads and lasses on their sleek ocean racing skis.

My mate Olli on his banana, oops I mean ocean ski, at the start of his time trial at the Balmoral Blast - Balmoral Beach, Sydney Australia
After seeing my mate Olli power past I thought I’d try and tag along with the race, in the hopes of getting a good pic on his return leg. In fact I didn’t manage to get him on the return leg at all (embarrassed to say I “misplaced” the camera – how you do that in a kayak I still don’t quite understand!). But here are a few pics I did manage to capture along the way.

Sunrise over Grotto Point & Manly - Sydney Australia

Paddlers crossing past the ocean side of Middle Head - Sydney Harbour

Fat Paddler trying to keep up with the racers - Middle Head, Sydney
Needless to say it is an amazing backdrop for a race and I can see why Olli loves it so much. Anyway, I did catch up with Olli again after his time trial, and even managed to find the camera again, so we had a quick photo session before heading into Balmoral Beach for a “Paddlers Breakfast” of coffee and egg & bacon rolls. A perfect end to a perfect morning’s paddle!

Olli's banana.... the Fenn XT Mako

Fat Paddler on his Boréal Nanook - Balmoral Beach, Sydney

Breakfast of Champions! Fresh coffee, egg and bacon roll with sauce. Yum!

A last look at Balmoral Beach before the return leg home...
Hey, Fat Paddler!
awesome story / post, why not come down and do another but from start to finish so we can share the whole journey of a Blast race with your readers 😉
Would love to have you as a visiting guest paddler down any time on Saturdays – Rego starts at 6:30am, race starts at 7:15am, and we’d love to see you pen some witty words for your next paddling post!
Love your work on the Sydney Harbour Kayaks twitter / twitter pics too! Great stuff!
See you at a Blast soon eh?
Dez Blanchfield
aka The Blast guy!
Mobile: (0414) 464 356
Email: Dez@Blanchfield.COM.AU