Stars and Lights (Image credit: solentseakayaking.co.uk)
With the Hawkesbury Canoe Classic just days away, I’ve been thinking alot about paddling at night. I personally love to glide through inky darkness with the stars overhead and the silence that only night time can bring, but it is a notoriously difficult time of the day to photograph due to light issues.
One of my twitter mates @solentseakayak however has done a little experimenting with slow shutter rates to see if he can capture the magic of night, with some quite beautiful results.

Contemplation (Image credit: solentseakayaking.co.uk)
I’m loving these shots, and can only hope that with a little push Solent Sea Kayaking will continue to take more for the rest of us to enjoy. Go and check out the post for higher rez versions, they are really something special. Cheers – FP
Hey Sean, Are your days notably longer in the summer like ours are in Alaska…makes for for long paddling days in the summer time…
OOOPS forgot “fun” paddling days
Love the effects of night photography. Did some beautiful work and managed to stand still enough to get captured with being blurry. @solentseakayaking…nice, nice work…keep up the photography, mate.
Hey mate! Just flicked through your website posts – good fun! Seems you’ve been doing a hell of a lot more prep for the HCC than me! (not that that would be hard…)! Thanks heaps for your donation too! It’s going to be pretty funny paddling our arctic wheeled kayaks.. except im certain we will be disqualified by cut-off time about half way though – those things were not meant for speed!… See you on the day I hope. Cheers. http://www.1000HourDay.com
Looks wonderful alright. But has anyone noticed the gear that guy has on! Icy stuff for our high latitude friends. Personally, I love the freedom we have here of just paddling in a t-shirt most of the time.
Still, I reckon it must be a real buzz paddling around bergs etc…
Hey Chris, make sure you DO say gday!! Very much looking forward to getting a photo of myself with your wheeled tub!! đŸ™‚
@ Shazz – thanks for the positive comments, I did have to stand v v still – not easy. If I look at the full size version I am slightly blurry.
@Ned – yep, full drysuit on. I paddle solo 99.9% of the time, and this time of year at night so need to dress for the swim. Bit hot paddling at times but if I did end up in the drink I’d be v v glad of the kit.
@fatpaddler – Sean, thanks for the post! I was really pleased with these 2 shots – had to take about 100 over 2 nights to get them though as it was all new stuff for me and trying different combinations of exposure/ISO/aperture etc. Looking forward to trying more soon!