Team Fat Paddler - An unstoppable force!
With only 4 sleeps to go, a certain heavyish kayaker is getting somewhat nervous. Have I trained enough? Is everything organised? Will I be able to paddle all that way? Well, with the Hawkesbury Canoe Classic only days away there’s not much I can do to address these questions even if I wanted to!
The good news is that I’ve compiled a crack support team to help me on my quest. An Aussie as the brains of the outfit, a Kiwi to handle sheep-liaison, and a Brit to drive the car and generally whinge a lot. Haha, but seriously, they are three fun-loving fellas that no doubt will prove to be a crucial part of Team Fat Paddler.
So now with my crew onboard and my gear prepared, I just have to wait a few days until the HCC starts. Bring it on! 🙂
We are rooting for you in the US.
Good luck! Looking forward to the post classic update.
Thanks Dave. (Btw, you DO realise what “rooting” is here in Australia??).
Thanks Michael. There will also be a live feed of progress updates and photos from my Twitter account. 🙂
Mate! Not long now. Busy plastering the advertising stickers on the yak tonight. Really hope it doesn’t rain on Saturday or Sunday.
Think the Team Fat paddler t-shirts look awesome. Good work. See you in a couple of days.
It looks like rain is coming, bugger…
cheering you on from Dublin too – looking forward to the story of the paddle!
Dear FP:
We’ll be tracking your progress from Manhattan, knowing that your Hawkesbury saga will soon rank among great maritime lore.
good luck – I have to figure out how to get twitter on my iphone so I can follow you on the big day. xx
Thanks everyone! Tweets will be fed live by @ireckon via my @fatpaddler twitter account. Trend hash is #fat111
Good luck mate.
I’ve been thinking of having a go at the HCC myself one day. Hopefully your web site will give me more insight into what it’s like and whether I’d cope.
Just remember, no matter how hard it gets, it’s nothing compared with what Freya is doing.