What happened and where is the Fat Paddler?

Fat Paddlers current home. Chained to the desk writing....

Fat Paddlers current home. Chained to the desk writing....

You may be wondering why I haven’t updated the site lately. Sure, I’ve been out for a few paddles, in fact I’ve got quite a few stories backed up ready to go up on site. But I don’t have time at the moment because a major project is coming to a close.

You see, over the past five months I’ve been writing a book. A book about trauma, about recovery, and about a love of paddling. A book about… you guessed it…. a book about the Fat Paddler.

The Fat Paddler by Sean Smith on Facebook

And right now I’m working to a deadline, a hard deadline that falls next monday. If I don’t finish by then, then there wont be any book. So all my writing resources are focused there, during every spare moment I have!

I did however want to share a photo with you instead, a peace offering to carry you through until I return, so here is a photo of sausages I cooked on New Years Eve!

Sliced chorizo sauteed in olive oil with onion and garlic, then tossed with fresh continental parsley

Chorizo sauteed in olive oil with onion and garlic, tossed with fresh continental parsley

That’s if from me… got to get back to the book. Looking forward to seeing the other side of next Monday when I promise I’ll start putting some more stories up. Oh, and if you’re interested, the book is due out in Australia sometime around August this year, and hopefully globally not long after that. Cheers! – FP

P.s. If you want to make sure it gets published in your country, leave a comment saying so! If enough of you and your country men and women comment the publishers might just take notice. πŸ˜‰

The Fat Paddler by Sean Smith