Monthly Archives: August 2013

Rodd Point sunrise, Sydney Australia

Wenonah Dreaming – Canoe Exploration and Adventures

For the past month or so my paddling has revolved around canoe training, in preparation for the 111km Hawkesbury Canoe Classic in late October. Fellow canoe paddler Ben “The Ninja”…

The new Stellar S2E surfski - Stellar's 2nd double surfski

New Surfski Announced: The Stellar S2E Double Surfski

I’ve just received word that Stellar has announced another new surfski to their range, and their second double surfski after their original Stellar S2EL – the all new Stellar S2E….

Avon Descent 2013 - Western Australia

Only in Australia: the Avon Descent 2013

To outsiders, Australia is a wonderful if not crazy land of deadly animals, raging surf and the tough men & women who survive it all. Aussies love nothing more than…