Monthly Archives: December 2010

The FP, Loud and Proud, on a remote beach in the South Pacific

A Tropical Adventure – How to Anger a Fijian

I’d taken my family to Fiji for a Christmas break, where we were staying in a resort nestled amongst the forest on a tiny island separated from the mainland by…

Stacked kayaks at sunset, Yanuca Island, Fiji

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Fiji

If you’ve noticed I’ve gone quiet this past week, it’s because I’ve taken the family on a little holiday to Fiji to relax after a full-on year.  I’m writing this…

My dead Panasonic Lumix FT1

Farewell to an Old Friend – RIP Panasonic Lumix

When I first picked up the paddle early in 2009 I decided to record the journey via photos on some sort of website. I needed a waterproof camera and after…

There's something magical about exploring underwater!

Kayak Rolling – It’s All About Practice

I got out for a paddle today with Nat, one of my oldest and closest friends, a mate I met at university when I was 21 and have remained friends…

I am Paddle to the Sea - Please put me back in the water

Video Classics: Paddle to the Sea (Canada, 1966)

In this day of digital content where a days paddle can be online to share within hours or even minutes, it’s easy to forget that great paddling movies were made…

The lads playing in their Mad River Canoes

Canoeing the Upper Colo River in Flood

The week had been wet and the Upper Colo River to Sydney’s north west had gone from around a metre deep to over 10 metres deep in a matter of…

The stranded horse and paddlers to the rescue

Colo River Flood and a Horse Rescue by Canoes

Adventure comes when you least expect it…. unless of course you go looking for it! Gelo and I had organised a canoe session with a couple of fellas experienced in…

The 2nd Made from Beer ad by Carlton United Breweries

Kayaks and Beer – Australian Ads are Awesome

I love Australia. I love beer. And I love to paddle. So when I stumbled across this ad made four years ago now I cracked up laughing at the beauty…

And now for something completely different....

Experimenting with Canoe Paddles and Sea Kayaks

Ever since the 6 weeks of training in the canoe for the Hawkesbury Canoe Classic I’ve been a little bit crazy about canoing. I’m not sure what it was exactly,…