Monthly Archives: January 2011

FP slowly getting into this storm roll stuff. Loving it!

Greenland Rolling Classes with Helen Wilson

I’ve done one lesson on rolling in my entire life. I’ve practiced a bit on my own of course, on no more than 8 occasions, and would say I hit…

Hey look, it's Bambi!! Hello sweety!

Winter Fun in Thunder Bay Canada

After my whirlwind tour of Toronto the next stop on my Canadian adventure was the northern Ontario town of Thunder Bay.  If I’d felt the cold in Toronto, I was…

Another amazing year of paddling for the Fat Paddler

Canoe Paddling in Toronto with Badger Paddles

My alarm went at off 6am, rousing me from a brief but deep sleep. I was in a hotel room in Toronto Canada, it was around -10C outside and my…

FP under the hot sun. Note the hat and long sleeves for sun protection!

A Classic Aussie Summer Paddle

I usually paddle at the crack of dawn, but this weekend was a little different since my wife had spent the weekend in the flood zones of Brisbane helping family…

Good morning Sydney! And welcome 2011.

Welcome 2011 from Sydney Harbour

For my first real paddle of 2011 I wanted to get back to the scene of the amazing NYE Fireworks, Sydney Harbour. Grumm and I made the early morning trek…

What can I say. Paddling is just awesome.
Sliced chorizo sauteed in olive oil with onion and garlic, then tossed with fresh continental parsley

What happened and where is the Fat Paddler?

You may be wondering why I haven’t updated the site lately. Sure, I’ve been out for a few paddles, in fact I’ve got quite a few stories backed up ready…